Valentine's Day - Quick & Inexpensive - Memories

Growing up my mom always decorated our kitchen table for all holidays, with a new outfit, treat bags, yummy goodies, and a little gift that always makes us feel special. I remember trying to go to sleep the night before but being too excited to see what was going to be on the table the next morning! I don't know how she did it with two children because I'm having a hard time balancing it with my one. 

It is one tradition I really wanted to make sure we started with our family too. Now that Finn is two years-old and getting old enough to catch on - it time to step up our parenting/traditional table decorating skills. 

If you're a mom like me - quick and easy is about what you have time for but you want it to look like you are someone that is on top if it! Today I'm sharing some of my quick and easy mom tricks to feel like you're one of those parents that has it under control without having to have the time to pull it off.

Tip 1: Grab your cute kid or pet.
Tip 2: Grab a camera
Tip 3: Grab your cute kid/pet and your camera

Tip 4: If you don't have the time to edit an image or the software use a piece of paper to personalize your message without the extra time and fuss. 

Tip 5: If taking this photo el solo of a child or pet or (God bless you) many children and pets have treats on hand.

Quick Gift #1 
Time: Two Minutes unless you print it at one hour place then one hour and two minutes. You can frame it too. 
Cost: $10 max for printing and framing. 

Quick Gift # 2
Time: 1 Hour due to doing a quick card design and taking the photo. (not including pick up of photos)
Decoration: Cut out hearts and hang them on the window for a quick themed backround. 
Cost: $12.87 to print 100 of them at Costco with hour printing. 

*Also note my son is still in his PJ's but it was the best way to keep him in a good mood and get the shot. 

Here are some other fun ideas and tips!


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