Newborn - Old Times - Good Times

I love cute babies but they are extra special for me when they belong to a good friend! In college I was really fortunate to have some amazing friends and even more lucky today that we still are friends! Danny, (the Daddy Below) always made me laugh until my side hurt as we were trying to put together the ULV Campus Times paper and he made my work study hours in the Communication Department fly by so fast it was like I wasn't even working.... mostly socializing. 

Danny was the responsible student and I was usually working on photo assignments, attempting to draw the next cartoon for the paper, or most likely playing cards. Danny was a few years ahead of me and a great person to learn from and try to emulate. I would pretend to be doing something productive and just marvel at his next column or listen to him tell a simple story in the most articulate, expressive, and observant way. Plus he's a great editor and is most likely editing this while he reads it! He's like a living AP Stylebook (a book for journalist with punctuation rules we live and die by... well not me.... serious writers). 

He is a very talented writer, has a wicked sense of humor, and has always had a great way with words.... hence his stunning wife! Now he's all grown up, married, and is a Dad! During the photo shoot I was thinking this is so different than us in college hanging out at Nick's (a bar close to our dorms) and dreaming about where we would be to today (or just being crazy college kids). Today Danny lives in Orange County and is kind of a big deal in the Public Relations world and is still a friend that always seems to have it all together.  He has such a big heart and I'm so thankful he found Heather to share it with and now little Murphy to spoil. 

Congrats Danny and Heather on a beautiful boy! 

This first photograph is a picture of Danny when he was a baby and then we tried to redo it with baby Murphy! This sort of thing makes my job so fun!


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