Newborn - La Habra Heights, CA - Globetrotters

This family has a beautiful love story! Stacy's parents were in Africa on a Safari and met Graham who was working on his PhD in Elephant Communication and leading safaris far from his UK home. They told him if he was ever in California to look them up and two weeks later he did! Stacy came walking down her parents stairs and it was love at first sight! Fast forward to a wedding, moving to Africa, living in the UK, and then home to have baby Samantha two months early! 

Spending time with them during the session I decided it's very true what they say, "God only gives you what you can handle," because these two were such relaxed parents with their baby you wouldn't know she had a premature birth. Looking at how healthy Samantha is, it is hard to tell that she was only 3 lbs. and 1 oz. when she was born. They seemed to be expert parents instead of newbies! 

Welcome to world Samantha and I know you'll have so much fun travelling it with your parents! 


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