Newborn - Family Glow - Parenting Jelly

This family is not just made out of glue but of jelly! I get to meet different families all the time but this one is extra special to me because as a parent - I'm always looking for different parenting styles and ways to be a better parent. Every photoshoot I get to do with the Mueller family I get to pick up a few more tools for my parenting survival kit. They are like jelly because they are so good at bending, molding, and falling right into the
perfect parenting role each child needs so quickly just like jelly! Plus their family is just so happy they are glowing! Seriously, look at the pictures below!

The first time I met Mary Anne was about a year ago. She was an instant friend and now a mentor mom to me since she has two boys and now a beautiful little girl. I love it when clients turn into friends and that I can call for some great mommy 911 advice without any judgment...just sound advice. She swept me under her wing, invited me to MOPS at St. John Church (LOVE MOPS), and now she's stuck with me forever. 

I also call Mary Anne when I make a big mess because her husband John owns their family business of ServiceMASTER Clean! My parents (they are awesome) watch our son Finn, my niece and two nephews, and my two dogs....which means due to our families their carpet is not as clean as it was before our families grew!  Lucky for my parents we know the Muellers and that their ServiceMASTER Clean is the only place in town that can handle our mess. :) ServiceMASTER Clean is also great if you have flood damage or fire damage too... thankful we haven't burned down or flooded my parents house yet...... I really hope I don't have to call them for that.... 

I Highly recommend ServiceMASTER for your home or your business cleaning needs. Contact ServiceMASTER Clean at 479-646-4087 for a quote or go on-line to www.smcleanonline.com

And now..... their cute cute glowing family made of jelly. 

This cute little bloomer number is done by http://www.etsy.com/shop/peeperdoodle - Talk about talent!


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